A global team committed to provide innovative, scalable, connected  digital health solutions that expand access to equitable care worldwide

global team, pandemic preparedness, Audere
equitable world care, pandemic preparedness, Audere
presentation, pandemic preparedness, Audere
connected digital health solutions, pandemic preparedness, Audere

We operate at the unique intersection of global health and high tech, equipped with a deep understanding of the key health needs of the communities we serve and the capabilities required to develop cutting-edge software. We create platforms and frameworks that allow us to nimbly deliver sophisticated, accessible solutions that revolutionize the detection and treatment of diseases such as malaria, COVID-19, and HIV.

Our diverse team of passionate, innovative minds combines smartphone technology, artificial intelligence, and the best of cloud-based services with a deep understanding of the local health context to develop solutions that empower patients, enable healthcare workers, and enhance global health programs through our innovative software. Audere’s technology has been leveraged from Africa to the Americas and our HealthPulse™ solutions are delivered worldwide. 

Development of our projects is funded by grants and support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation, and other global health partners. From field studies to regional deployments, our partnerships help us drive meaningful global health outcomes.

Audere Values


Innovation is both a skill and a core value at Audere. Our innovation is purpose-driven and we consistently push the limits of the technology we use, thinking outside the box to find unconventional solutions to conventional problems and to make a tangible impact rather than just chasing the latest trends.

Building trust is a fundamental outcome of our commitment to transparency. We build trust by fostering a culture of open and honest communication among our team and through our commitment to providing clear and comprehensible information to our partners, clinicians, and patients. We say what we mean and mean what we say.

Reliability signifies our unwavering commitment to ensuring that every product we ship meets and exceeds our client's expectations. We are dedicated to consistently delivering dependable, high-quality solutions that are built for the real world and work every time.


Our partners and the communities that we serve have different needs and we understand this on a deep level, providing a number of ways for them to engage. We strongly believe that location, income, gender, sexual orientation, age and race should not determine health outcomes or access to care and we are building the tools to bring this care to all.

We are tenacious in all pursuits and our commitment to caring for the greater picture. We don't measure success solely by our own accomplishments; we are consistently striving to make a positive impact for the entire ecosystem we serve.


Board Members

Team Members